Monday, October 21

dream #1
my friend stephanie and her husband sang realize that they aren't really married yet because they forgot to sign and turn in their marriage lisence. (fact- they actually did leave on their honeymoon without doing this, accidentally) so they have to have another wedding, even though stephanie is currently 9 mo pregnant. so she and sang are getting re-married in a hotel lobby, and stephanie is wearing a big white maternity shirt and tan cordoroy shorts. i almost dont make it there in time because i had class right before, and stephanie's mom gets mad at me. (fact- stephanie's mom DID get mad at me the day of her actual wedding)

dream #2
my mom gets upset because i publicly humiliated her. i think it had something to do with pulling down her pants. it didnt actually happen, but at the same time, it did. anyways, it was an accident and it happened in the normal course of playing some sports game. i kept repeating, "But it was part of the game! it's just a game!" but she didnt listen.

Friday, October 18

I don't exactly remember how it happened. It was a house party which was held, I think, at Ben's place. Nobody I knewwas there. They were all strangers. There was a foosball table, but I didn't play. I just kinda sat on a couch and watched everyone have fun. The party begins clearing out. Then I spot this girl. She is amazing... beautiful, of course. e begin talking, and she is great. Clever, funny, a good sense of humor... She told me her name, but I forgot it. Her surname was Polish, I believe... something like Szywyck. We decided to go out, and she told me her number. I wrote it down on a big whiteboard which was nearby. Later, when she was going to leave, someone had smeared it, and I had to remember the digits.

Part two. We are in a movie theater / ski lodge. My roommate from last year, Tyler, wa there. I knew somehow that she had been seeing him, and not exactly being faithful to me. We all decided to talk. I asked, "So, what's up?" One of them responded with a question, and I glanced down for a second. When I look back up, they are making out. Damnit... I have a circular piece of metal nearby, and there are two small, ovular windows about twenty feet behind us. I scream, and throw the metal. It slices directly through the left window as though it was nothing. Someone nearby claps, whether for the movie or for me, I don't know. I go stalking out, but I have to pay for my ticket while exiting.

Part three. I am standing beside a tent selling homemade Native American wares in a group of people. This guy is selling everything... belts, rugs, jewelry. I overhear someone mention that he is selling mopeds, as well. The person to whome he is speaking replies, "Yeah, with the suppliers and all, everyone can build one nowadays." I get to the end of the stand, where he has framed sheets of people who have contributed to some sort of fundraiser. He grins at me, and shows me where he has taped his name over one of the sponsors' names.

Part four. I have my moped. I am riding along the highway, and it runs out of gas. I look around. Nobody. I wait, and see my father. He is happy to see me. We greet each other, and then he tells me that we have an appointment at the jail. I nod, and tell him that my gas has just run out. He understands.

Monday, October 14

For the record, this isn't a dream. Invitation to Psychology by Carole Wade and Carol Tavris defines the subconscious as mental activities which occur outside the realm of normal thought but are still available to the conscious mind. On the other hand, nonconscious thought is not available to the conscious mind, even though it, too, occurs outside the realm of normal thought. Why do we "remember" some dreams and not others? Why do we know tat we have been dreaming, but cannot actually remember what the dream was? Maybe nonconscious thought could almost be a sort of submerged form of the subconscious.

That's my tuppence.
i dreamed i was a young romulan (i remember thinking in the dream "i am a young romulan", retarded as that sounds) I was riding the train with a boy from the elementary school i work at. the dixie chicks were re-enacting a music video along side the train tracks, and everything was black and white. and romulans dont like country music... (at least not in my dream. someone could ask t'pol if they wanted)

Sunday, October 13

So, Im at a amusement park, its afternoon and a semi busy day. There is a secluded parth leading up a hill, and for osme reason people who go up it die. Its known too, and its not closed or marked. I know morgan went up the trail after a swift wave goodbye. So I walked over to what looked like Batman the ride. A inverted looping rollercoaster. i saw a train not make it through an element twards the end of the ride which was really bad cause there was a coaster at the begining of the ride going. There aer no brakes on the ride and the two trains crash into each other, everyone looks ok tho. But to our horror we see another Train cresting the top of the lift and another leaving the station (which is Bull cause i know the ride runs two trains on the buisiest days). Anyway I go to a weird place of another sitdown ride. This area is sorta like a switching station. Tons of rails and cars going every which way slowly. and the people going twards the lift were scared shitless because of what happened at batman. I remember trying to calm them down.
But this is where i gets really freaky, somehow i am going home with my dad who has decided to go up the trail. we reach home and im really sad, and I half think about going with him and hopefully coming back down. Cause to me comeing back down or being reborn seemed logical.

That was about as much as I could take before waking up.

Sunday, October 6

I had a strange dream a few nights ago....
I remember being in some sort of patient room at a doctors office when I was 15 or 16. a nurse came in and told us we would be getting some speakers about rape, drugs, and abortion. I remember my friend Michelle walking through the door and being introduced as a rape victim. I remember hugging her and then the dream ended.

Im trying to figure out why it was michelle as a rape victim (who as far as i know hasnt been) and not my other friend who I know recently had a abortion. hmmm.....

Friday, October 4

in my dream, i went walking one evening. it got dark, and i was not in a good area. i looked and looked for a safe looking place to call someone to come get me. my dad picked me up, but then my brother was there too. he had taken a girl to a monkey-themed restaurant and they had won some big prize. my roomate carolyn dressed up in some of the stuff they won, including a hot pink swirl designed bodysuit.